Global Jurisdiction
United Nations Statute
Globocean Constitution
SCOTLAND, IRELAND, WALES AND ENGLAND ("Great Britain"/"United Kingdom"):
NORSID CASE: Notorious Repeated Systemic Institutionalized Damages.
OPERATION DEMOCRATIZATION: SYSTEMIC unequal citizen/member-state rights/unions, manipulation of election rules, manipulation of number of representatives, reduction of turnout, fraudulent campaign, fraudulent vote counting, systemic constitution violating democracies, non-independent judiciary, non-independent election organization, supposedly (un)constitutional monarchies/theocracies, non-constitutional absolute monarchies/theocracies; civilian/military dictatorships; one party dictatorships.
JUDGMENT: inclusion of judgments available for open certified judges and jury citizens using email jusistem (at) jusistem.com; Global Order to Stop/Repair Damage; notorious repetitive systemic evidence of damages.
Global Order to Stop/Repair Damage served to national/international judicial systems to be locally and internationally enforced, directly and immediately or by opening a local/international judicial process to be concluded in no longer than one year.
2016 brexit vote nullified: fraudulent foreign/national campaign financing with social media fake news and fake accounts; brexit was rejected by 2 equal Union states, Scotland/Ireland; Polls reject brexit.
National/international social media fake account farms mass spread targeted fake news manipulating elections, plus United Nations equality Article 1 make Brexit and Great Britain unequal/undemocratic Union null. Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland United Nations/European Union/United Lands independent members, enforced by National and International judicial systems. United Kingdom must be self-financed private international organization. Plebiscite can decide if independent Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland should form a Republic Federation not the other way around since Union does not represent equal members and citizens, nullifying it automatically for violating national fundamental laws/constitution and international statutes as United Nations Humans Rights, equality article 1.
District votes must be divided proportionally and added to form second round or rank vote MAJORITY.
Federation principles, as United Nations Equality Article 1, of citizen/member-state equality and preservation of unity, avoidance of damage, determine that Great Britain or "United Kingdom" member states must all unanimously agree to join/exit unions/organizations, as EU, and if majority decides to join/exit, the divergent minority can choose not to join/exit, stay independent or join/exit alternative unions/organizations.
Fulfilling United Nations Equality Article 1, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England citizens choose:
A)Independent Republic.
B)Federation Republic Equal Union Member.
Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales must be Independent Members of United Nations and European Union based on UN Equality Art 1, with United Kingdom( Crown, House of Lords, Anglican Church) as private cultural organization. Vassal/Colonial unions are unequal and null. Brexit null by rejection of Scotland and Ireland.
So called "constitutional monarchies" are unconstitutional, in contradiction with itself and United Nations Equality Art 1. They must be separated from state, as self-funded private organizations with monarchs as equal citizens.
Fundamental Human Rights, such as citizen/member-state equality, can not be alienated even by a supposed consent of a supposed majority.
Social media fraud was known and avoidable by the social media platforms that did not act because of profitability of millions of fake accounts and communication activity, generating advertising revenues tied to number or activity of supposed independent viewers who are also robots (+10-20 thousand fake accounts connected to marketing social media enterprises) or semi-robots (10-20 accounts connected to one individual).
United Kingdom is a social-cultural-religious private organization to be voluntary self-funded by its supporters. It can drive billions in global tourism, merchandising, multimedia rights, voluntary membership or charity contributions, not needing involuntary tax funding or symbolic function state participation.
Political-economic sovereignty belongs to the underlining union member-states, England, Wales, Scotland and reunited Ireland (dismemberment is void given that a region abandoned an equal union republic to enter an unequal monarchical union as a vassal inferior state) and to the 14 colonial territories. Memberships at United Nations, European Union, other regional/global organizations, as Globocean United Lands (www.globocean.org) belong to the sovereign member-states of the voided unequal union.
District representatives must be elected with second round or rank voting to determine majority in each sovereign member-state as England, Scotland, Wales and reunited Ireland. Attributing national problems to membership in equal regional or global organizations (worsen by the context that the national union is unequal) is a false/minority motivation for removing nation from membership.
So called Brexit vote results are void, given the unequal nature of the union vote, with each member nation needing to pursue such exit, if involuntary taxes are used for such membership. Joining or leaving memberships that involve non voluntary taxation funding must be carried out by each nation separately with a qualified majority (above 55%).
Currently England, Scotland, Wales and reunited Ireland remain members of the United Nations and European Union, since the political-economic sovereignty is held by the member-states of the voided unequal union.
Declaration of Independence considering that equality between citizens and member-states cannot be taken, negotiated or surrendered, even by a supposed majority, as determined also in Equality Article 1 of the United Nations, the people of Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England are independent and can consider future equal unions as democratic republican federations with equality of representation of citizens and member-states. United Kingdom, Crown, House of Lords, Anglican Church are private, self-financed, social-cultural, chivalry-charity organizations separated from the state/government.
Brexit is null at the origin, because was rejected by equal member states Scotland and Ireland, which remain as England, Wales, INDEPENDENT members of EU, UN, FIFA and non-taxing/non-legislating BC (Federated British Celtic National Federation), UL (United Lands) and Globocean (Global Ocean Aerospace National Federation) (www.globocean.org).
General Declaration of Independence:
"Unequal Union X" causes damages to "Citizens/Member State Y", violating equal rights, as in United Nations Equality Article 1. "Y" is now independent and will consider future offers of Equal Unions.
Given that unequal unions violate principle of citizens and member-states EQUALITY (United Nations Article 1), regular 4 year plebiscites/referendums can decide if each member-state should be:
2)Independent but join equal unions.
Journalist Julian Assange, publisher of public interest information and whistle blowers declassifying information, wrongfully classified as secret to hide crimes/damages to obstruct justice, must have cases dismissed, damages paid and justice obstruction charges and hidden derived crimes/damages prosecuted/refunded. Julian Assange, publisher of public interest documents, was removed from Ecuador embassy illegally by national and international law, after been given asylum and citizenship (illegally reversed with Ecuador government receiving exchange funding, qualifying as bribing). Damages of US$100 million (Great Britain/"United Kingdom" US$40 million embassy violation, wrongful arrest and imprisonment; United States US$30 million for wrongful case of espionage; US$20 million Ecuador for not enforcing embassy protection, removing asylum/citizenship, receiving compensatory financing bribe, US$5 million Sweden for wrongful charges of rape, US$5 million Australia for failing to assist citizen).
ACCUSATION: inclusion of accusation available for certified prosecutors and any citizen using email jusistem (at) jusistem.com; Notorious Repeated Systemic Institutionalized Damages.
Unequal undemocratic vassal/colonial union between England over so called ineffective "autonomous/self-governing" 3 vassal states, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and 14 colonial overseas territories.
So called "Constitutional" Monarchy, includes Crown family, House of Lords, Anglican Church, representing and using funds from the state with involuntary taxing citizen funding, is not constitutional, jurisprudential and in accordance with fundamental Human Rights, because it violates the fundamental principle of citizen/member-state equality.
Real estate accumulated with tax funding and inherited by monarchy family members is public property that can be leased (culture/tourism budget/ministry) to monarchy private self-funded organization with revenues derived from chivalry/charity memberships, tourism, merchandising, multimedia rights etc.
District representation one round voting, without second round or ranking voting allows a minority of citizen-voters to control a divided majority and create rule of minority. Majority or individual member-state decisions are not taken into consideration.
National and international fraudulent social media election campaign, peaking with last 24 hours no-defense counter-action, with false/fake profiles/news/threats/trolling targeting uninformed/centrist/credulous/religious voters has successfully managed to statistically turn around/create a 5-10 percentage point advantage of voters, that later usually changes once time is given to unravel/defend against falsities or to mobilize passive/absent voters. The scam consists of polarizing voters with demagoguery to put election at reach of a last day targeted false campaign blitz to sway election, without time for counter-action. Non-independent, dominant member-state biased, passive, conservative, judicial system allows fraud to stand.
War crimes in Ireland, Iraq, Colonies; vassal state alliance with United States;
persecution of citizens/journalists as spies for revealing public interest information wrongfully classified as secret to hide crimes/damages and obstruct justice. UK-English-tory-police/prosecutor/judge made illegal arrest of journalist Julian Assange, removed from Equatorian embassy, after given asylum and citizenship (Equatorian illegally stripped asylum/citizenship and received in exchange funding) government received funding) , for publishing public interest documents.
CLASS/COLLECTIVE ACTION to recoup/repair life/physical/psychological/asset damages against assets of identifiable monarchists/conservatives/colonialists/unionists/brexiteers or their asset inheritance descendants in favor of republicans/progressives/colonials/separatists/remainers or their asset inheritance descendants. Estimated damages of over 10 billion pounds.
DEFENSE: inclusion of defenses available for accused, certified defenders and any citizen using email jusistem (at) jusistem.com.
United Kingdom is accepted by majority of citizens and national judicial systems; majority voting was obtained with the rules in place. National judiciary revised claims and took no action.